When babies turn 100 days old, Korean families share white rice cakes(baek-sul-gi).
While drawing Jesus on the corner stone, I thought the stone looked like baek-sul-gi.
So I drew the 100th day of the baby Jesus! FUN! lol
The baby Jesus sitting in an infant bumbo seat!
It's been 100 days since He was born!
He’s so cute! I’m dead!
모퉁이돌 되신 예수님을 그리다가
그 돌이 백일떡같아서 갑자기 그려버린
아기 예수님 백일떡!! ㅋㅋㅋ
백일 된 아기예수님 범보의자에 앉혀버림!!
귀여워서 사망!!!